Taxpayers can sign up to receive IRS email subscription services

The IRS issues tax information by email for many different audiences. Here are some of the electronic subscriptions people can request by visiting the e-News Subscriptions page on

  • Guidewire: People who sign up for Guidewire receive email notifications when the IRS issues advance copies of tax guidance, such as regulations, revenue rulings, revenue procedures, announcements, and notices.
  • e-News for Tax Professionals: Provides the latest national news for the tax professional community, as well as links to resources on and local news and events by state.
  • Outreach Corner:  Provides organizations such as businesses and non-profits articles content that they can use in their own communication products and newsletters.
  • Tax Statistics: Supplies information about the most recent tax statistics.
  • Quick Alerts: Provides tax professionals and tax software providers with the latest information about e-file issues and events.
  • IRS Newswire: Provides news releases issued by IRS National Media Relations Office in Washington, DC.

Here are some other electronic subscriptions the IRS offers:

The IRS also offers Consejos Tributarios del IRS, a newsletter in Spanish.

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